From its inception in 1973, and despite many attempts to improve worldwide specifications and standards, the ILS discipline has not attracted positive publicity. Lack of true integration, unwillingness to effectively tailor programs and a general lack of application led to ILS being seen as an overly expensive project add-on. Instead, ILS should have been providing an optimal and cost-effective support solution. The early 2000s saw the genesis of the ASD/AIA S series specifications and their use has continued grown around the world and across technical domains.

In 2011 the ILS Council agreed to the development and publication of an ILS Guide in an attempt to provide integration and coherency across all S series specifications. December 2015 saw the publication of Issue 1 of SX000i entitled International Specification for Integrated Logistic Support. Issue 2.0 entitled International Specification for Integrated Product Support is about to be published. Given the erstwhile poor reputation and application of ILS, will SX000i bring ILS out of the shadows reborn as Integrated Product Support (IPS) and will it fix the Problem?

Presenter: Mark Willis

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